Review | Beautiful Wedding

Dylan Sprouse’s Beautiful Wedding, the sequel to the 2023 movie Beautiful Disaster starring Sprouse and Virginia Gardner, is a movie… in a way… but not a good one. I think we all know that. Part 1 had Sprouse jumping around in a cage like an ape for some reason and this one has him mimicking Spongebob.

The story takes up right after Travis and Abby kissed in the last movie and we wake up in this one with these two people who make the best decisions having gotten married after a drunken night of partying in Las Vegas. Of course, chaos ensues (as you’d expect) after two very toxic people decide to stay “happily ever after.”

Listen, I don’t have a problem with YA movies which try to spin themselves off of Twilight. The latter is a campy watch that is always a great idea in my opinion but there’s just something so gratingly stupid about Beautiful Wedding that it makes me want to never watch movies like these.

The problem is that no one really took this project seriously – the actors, director, writers everyone basically thought that it would be an easy cash grab. That’s why we have absolutely non-sensical plot points that pop up for no reason, leave us confused and add nothing to the story at hand. Plus, there are just so many animated bits in this movie for some reason. At least in the last movie they tried. This time around, it’s a joke.

I mean, how do you review something that has no plot? You rant, that’s what you do. I felt myself drifting off many times in the midst of watching this monstrosity and thankfully I didn’t choose to go to the theatres. At least I could escape in between. So there is a silver lining after all.

The baddies from the last movie, for some reason, all become good in this one. Abby and Travis (and Shepley and America too, for some reason) decide to run off to Mexico for their honeymoon or something without passports (I assume) – just a lot of stuff happening that makes zero to no sense. Sadly Travis and Abby have no chemistry either so you can’t root for the couple at any point. Abby’s character is so grating that it makes the psychopathic Travis look great, which is a torture hard to think about.

I can’t say that this movie is predictable because it’s not. I can never predict insanity and mediocrity at this level. EVER. Just stop making this, please.

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